Sunday, August 23, 2015

Lola story part 11

As Qeenray go's to the back to get the dragon ore Lola and Jade ask Blazer, Is she always like that?, Blazer tells them, Yes but its her way of having fun even if its not fun for me, Both Lola and Jade say to Blazer, That's how she has fun?, Blazer tells them yes she finds joy in messing with me like, Then Jade says, That is funny you guys look so close that I see why she is doing that to you now she cares so much for you that she loves to mess with you, Blazer tells Jade, No I believe she keeps doing it because its some thing fun for her to do I mean look at where we are at, Lola yells at Blazer telling him, That's not nice Blazer she must love you I mean she is giving us some dragon ore for free right you can not tell me she will do that for every one that comes here, Blazer tells Lola, I know but do you even know why she has this job and why its so far out its because she stole are family heirloom and sold it to some one it was even in are family lagasse it was a shield unlike any ever made a shield that can light up the darkness and no magic can harm it and it will never rust away and break like all the shields do and it had are family's seal on it but now no one in my family knows were it is now and she and she did not see the man's face she sold it to so we can not get it back, But as Blazer says that they hear some thing drop and look to see Qeenray crying as she is running back in side her place, Jade Lola and Blazer giving  a look of shock on there faces because they did not see her there then, Lola and Jade look at Blazer as if to say what did you just do, But before Blazer can say some thing Lola go's running in after her as she did she sees a iron door that is locked and she yell Qeenray are you in there, And her cat ears tweak to hear a low vice say go away Lola starts to sit on the floor next to the big iron door telling her its ok I know how you fell right now but I had it ten times more bad  I  come from a rich family line but when my mom and dad where killed I was looked at as are family's biggest mistake all of them even kicked me out of my home and after that I was chased by thugs and kidnapers because of the family line I am in so I know how you fell all to will I have been there but it will get better even when you have no one some one will come for you and it will all be better I know it will as Lola said that she hears the door unlock and Qeenray comes out of it crying as Lola puts her paws out and hugs her as Qeenray says to her, but will it happen for me?, Lola tells her, I know it will as she hugs her more tightly.


Thursday, August 13, 2015


Before the fight can begin Jade comes out of on were and yells hey Blazer, And Blazer looks back and Jade gives him a big sword and tell him use this, Blazer ask her did you know this is going to happen, no but some one from here a long time ago told my mom to make this for killing that thing and this is it, The nihtstalker  looks at the sword and says that is going to kill me ha you know it can't right, Jade tells Blazer it will my mom was making it like the seal that keeps him sealed him away but this can kill him now, The nihtstalker  tells him come at me then Blazer tells it no you come at me or are you scared then go's in a stance, The nihtstalker  go's full speed at him and so fast that no one can see him moving as he go's past Blazer he falls down and all of them see that Blazer moved as it happed, And he tells the nihtstalker if you have some thing to say then say it now before you die, The nihtstalker  who are you Blazer tells him I am Blazer from a old swords man clan that it now good night, Blazer hit the ground with the sword and the nihstalker splits in two and he look at the men that helped him fight it and gives him the sword, And tells him its yours now the men tells him but you need it Blazer tells him, No I will not use a sword again ok not again ok, The men tells him ok I will keep it then Blazer go's to Lola and tells her came on get up Lola we need to get going Lola wakes up,  Then ask what happen its ok lets go we still need to get the dragon ore she looks at him and says ok but we need to tell the towns people at they are in danger, Blazer tells him its ok its over now lets go Shadow needs us, she looks at him and says ok so were are we going to find some dragon ore, as she ask that Jade comes up to them and says your boy here will know were don't you swords boy, and he says yes I do but don't get mad ok, Lola and Jade ask why will we be mad he tells them you will see they spend a some time going west as Jade keeps asking are we there yet are we there yet, when they got there  she ask him one more time are we there yet, Blazer tells her yes we are there! she looks at a door on the side of a hill and ask what is this its, Blazer tells them its a black market Lola and Jade go its what! Blazer tells them shhh and go's to the door and says yo Qeenrey, And a women opens the door and hugs him saying I have not seen you in so long how it been, Blazer tells her I can't breath Lola looks at the women and its a Dragonnoid  woman  and she ask Blazer who is this, The woman drops him and she tells him yes tell your friends who I am Blazer' he looks at Jade and Lola and tells them she is my cousin ok, Lola and Jade say she is! Qeenrey tells them yes I am so what brings you guys here Blazer tells her we need dragon ore, Oww so you did not come here cuz you wont to see me will ok I can get you some in the back ok for you it will be free but all you have to do is give your cousin a kiss on the lips Lola and Jade say what did she say, Qeenrey  tells them I am joking ok I will go get it.