Tuesday, November 1, 2016


As Lola Jade Shadow and Dairast go home they hear yelling coming from base camp, " YOU CHEATING S- O- B SO THIS IS HOW YOU KEEP WINING I AM GOING TO KICK YOUER HAIRY ASS" , Lola looks at the Shadow and says, what do you think is going on in there, But be for he can say anything a kimsin boy in a red velvet cape go's flying out the window yelling "OK I AM SORRY I WILL GIVE YOU YOUR MONEY BACK JUST STOP BEFOR THE BOSS GETS BACK TO SEE THIS OK"But as he said this he looks up to see Lola and Shadow and gives a look on his face of shock and fear that can be seen on his face as this happens a Half Breed zombie/goul come out  through the broken window that thrown the kimsin boy out of and says, I am still going to kick your ass for making me look like a  Fool to everyone who was in there but as he said that he see Lola and shadow to and starts to give the same look on his face as the kimsin boy is now, As he did Jade  scratches the back of her head saying well me and Darerast are going to my home to finish are date see ya later as she grabs Darerast hand and makes a run for it, as she did Shadow looks at the kimsin and the zombie/goul and says what is going on, And both the zombie/goul and the kimsin turn there head to the side scratching the back of their heads saying we were just having a taste of  strength and it got out of hand, as they say this Lola is  shaking her head side to side with her cat like arms crossed, Then Shadow says then I  guess it's ok if I ask  everyone if they seen what happened cuz if you are lying to me your punishment will be far worse so are you sure that's what you want to tell me, as Shadow said this the kimsin boy jumps up and tells him, Ok we where playing poker and I may have been cheating on his turn to get some money back so I can get this sword I have had my eye on for some time, Shadow looks at them both and says ok  good now your punishment will be cleaning Basecamp for the next month with no pay tell next month and if I see you two slacking you will be punished now everybody lights out that's enough excitement for one day, Shadow looking down shaking his head says great now we have to go get a new window and fix that wall from when we crashed that mining cart in to it going downhill well I am going to sleep you coming Lola, Lola blushing says yes I'm coming as they go to they're rooms Lola grabs Shadow by the face with her cat like paws and kisses him as she closed her cat like eyes  as she pulls away from the kiss she go's to her door and looks back at Shadow and says good night Shadow as her cat like tail wave's back and forth  shadow surprised by the sudden kiss  says awkwardly , " You....to..Lola" Lola seeing this  giggles then shuts the door to her room, as Shadow slowly walk's to his room to go to sleep but one thing has slip their mind Blazer was not with them when they came back to base camp.      END OF LOLA'S STORY PART 28