Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Jade and Dairast make it to Blazer and the succubus Lilla date, And Jade tell her AI to go spy on them the, AI tells her ok but I am not going to like this, The AI's bug body runs up of the cafĂ©  that Blazer and Lilla are in to listen in on them, Blazer and Lilla start talkin, So Blazer why is it you needed that stuff the first time I meet you anyway, Blazer tells her cuz I needed to make a portal to a different world to save a good hero I know that saved me even though I am why he needed to be saved in the first place, Lilla asked him, Why do you think your why he needed to be saved, Blazer say's to her, Cuz if I trusted him he didn't have to save me and all of the guys I made not trust him in danger being blown away by a tank and he hit by the tank and the blast of are minefield we put down so that's why he was hurt cuz of me, Jade and Dairast hearing this gasp and jade say I didn't know that's what happen to Shaow how did he live being hit that bad, Dairast Looks at Jade who looks at him in shock Dairast tells her, I have no idea how he did I mean we have a limit to what we can take he should have died form that, even the AI's hologram go's wide eyed and says who the hell are they talking about, As the AI says that its bug body falls in to Lilla's coffee and Blazer sees it and says, what the hell is that as he jumps from his seat he was siting on, Lilla see it to and says to Blazer its nothing but a drowning bug as she puts a finger on it pushing it down into the coffee she was having the AI yells saying NOT AGAIN I TOLD YOU SHE WILL BREAK MY BODY AGAIN WHY DID YOU NOT LISTEN TO ME, Jade looks at the AI and says, Sorry but how will I know that was going to happen, Lilla done drowning the AI's body calls for the bunny girl Bonny that works here,Bonny comes up to Lilla and ask, how my I help you, Lilla tells her theres a bug in her coffee so she is not paying for it Bonny looks at the coffee and and sees the bug she is telling her is in the coffee and says, ok but you still have to pay for the food she says my one eyed friend will be hear to pay it for me as she grabs Blazers scaly hand and runs off.


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